Company Overview



WUXI WUNFA INT'L CO., LTD.is professionalcompany for fuel injection, turbocharger, diesel engine, andcommon rail system since 2005, we have our own factory andexport company.We only produce and export high level qualityproduct, also we are OEM supplier on some nozzle, test benchand liner,piston to Diesel Engine factory ,who is licensed from Kubota.

Compared with factories: we have a wide range of coverage and many products Compared to the workshop: we are OEM suppller, they cannotsupplyin large quantities.0ur sales covers both international and domestic market, We can ofer beter price and fullrange of qualty quaranteeand compensation. Because you can not get offer from factory because of smal quantity. We are 26 year OEM suppller.6.We are producing, selingdistributing: Turbocharger,Fip plunger, Nozzle, Head Rotor,Common RailControl Valve, Common Rail Nozzle, Common Ral injector,Rai PressureSensor, Mertering Unit, SCR parts, Urea iniector, NOx sensor (12V ,24V, Temperature sensor, Diesel Engine piston, liner, Precison Common RaiTest Bench (WABT brand for OEM, Dieseltop for Aftermarket.lnterational Version Common Rall Repalr Mlaster MFT100, Urea system Diagnosesystem, 0BD Vehicle Disgnose system.We are professional supplier of Fuelinjection parts and common rall pats, turbo, and mechanical testbench and common rail test bench since 1998.

Our sales covers both international and domestic market. We are producing, selling, distributing: Turbocharger, FIP plunger, Nozzle, Head Rotor, Common Rail Control Valve, Common Rail Nozzle, Common Rail Injector, Rail Pressure Sensor, Mertering Unit, SCR parts, Urea Injector, NOx sensor (12V ,24V), Temperature Sensor, Diesel Engine Piston, Liner, Precison Common Rail Test Bench (WABT brand for OEM, Dieseltop for Aftermarket). International Version Common Rail Repair Master MFT100, Urea system Diagnose system, OBD Vehicle Disgnose system.
Our own products are WUNFA brand and Dieseltop brand, we are also distributing original BOSCH, DENSO, DELPHI, WEIFU,AGS, CRS,HAOTONG products

We believe:Trust, Respect, Win Future.

Gurantee to customer: Supply only top quality products as per customer’s enquiry, Never release 1 pc Fake product.

Staff Character: Striving,Responsible,Relax,Satisfied.
Adresse:Block 1105,2288# Taihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, P.R. China
Telephone: +86-510-8543-6466

Why Choose Us?

26 OEM Supplier


One Stop Solution

Big Quantity Wholesaler


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